Play your first chord on the piano

16. Play your first chord!

You have played notes in sequence.

But do you know that you can also play several notes at the same time?

This is called a chord.


How to do that? You have to press the keys with different fingers simultaneously.

But wait, don’t press any random key or it won’t be very nice to ear.

I won’t explain the chords in details here, but you can find more information in this article.

I want to show you how to play your first chord.


To keep things simple and easy, you will learn the C major chord.

You will see how easy it is.

It is crazy when I think that I learn that by myself many years after having learned how to play classical music on the piano. What a shock! Never too late 🙂




Here is the C major chord.

You need to play 3 notes at the same time: C  E  G.

With the right hand, it will be: C (1) E(3) G (5).

On the left hand: C(5) E(3) G(1).

It will be easier with this drawing:



Repeat at least 10 times with each hand.


How does it sound? Great, right?

With chords, you can play so many songs. And it is not very difficult.


However, focus on pressing all the keys at the same time and with the same force/speed. Not that easy, but it will improve with practice.



OK, you make some noise nice sounds now!

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